
Kunstfiliale Körnerkiez

Kunstfiliale is a project funded through the European Union, Bundesrepulblik Deutschland, and the Berlin Senate; working closely with the neighbourhood agency Quartiersmanagements attempting to bring activity and positive developments into forgotten corners of the city of Berlin.

Kunstfiliale Körnerkiez is a community oriented project, managed by a few members of the WerkStadt, focused on support and realization of large open-air art projects in the neighbourhood (view an example here), as well as coordination for the various creative festivals in Berlin-Neukölln such as 48 Stunden Neukölln and Nacht und Nebel.

In 2010 we started Art Grain - a gallery and open studio walk with guided tours. There were 12 locations, four guest gallerists, and 48 participating artists.

Future initiatives will additionally focus on building cultural bridges through art with the diverse residents of the area; assistance with networking and consultation for long-term professionalization of art projects.

